September 2024 Newsletter

Turning the page from summer to fall is always bittersweet.  The warm, or hot, weather of summer is diminishing with temperatures dropping overnight and dew on the ground.  Fall comes the start of the United Way annual campaign to raise dollars to support not-for-profit organizations that help improve the lives of Merrill area people, you relatives, neighbors, friends perhaps.

The week of Labor Day our campaign started, and the flyer went out to every household and business in the area.  You likely received it in the mail already.  Our flyer is not “junk mail” so please look closely – it has a photo of the County Courthouse on it, our local Board and a mentor/student involved with Big Brothers-Big Sisters. United Way’s annual 2024-2025 campaign is underway and runs through mid-November.  We only ask once a year for your donation.  It is our annual appeal to the entire public with our direct mail piece to every household in the county.  All dollars support our local programs, unless a donor designates funds to go elsewhere.  Please give generously and help your neighbors, family, and friends.  For those who prefer to use your smart phones to make donations, we now have a QR code on the campaign flyer and on the website at  Our website has been reconstructed and the new site went live in early August.  The online donations are made through nationally recognized Stripe.  

This is a time of year that I think about changes people make as they adapt to children going back to school.  Agencies that United Way funds, like the Food For Kids Program, the BlueJay Nests (at the four MAPS Schools) Boys and Girls Club (afterschool programming for activities and homework mentoring) and others, are all geared up for helping our youth get a better education.  But also changing for families, are the need for supportive day-care opportunities.  Parkside Preschool has prepared for the changes in family structures based on school.  Childcaring, Inc. provides training and certification programs for caregivers and will help those interested in establishing an in-home daycare program, while learning about meeting the states expectations for opening such facilities.  Folks, there is always more than meets the eye, with all these agencies and impact programs.  We have no idea what impact of losing any of these agencies would be on the community.  It’s time to think about the 20 funded agencies and programs.  

Having an impact on someone’s life in a profound way happens regularly with our agencies.  We provide help with basic needs (like shelter and avoiding eviction with rental assistance, food, utility payments to avoid shut offs, and much more), educating our youth, and health concerns, with counseling for people struggling through alcohol and drug abuse and mental health.  

But we cannot have any impact without YOU, the people in this community that support programs to help elevate people who are struggling on many different fronts.  The generous hearts and financial support of our local citizens are what makes the difference.  The donations for United Way come from individuals, families, retirees, fundraisers, employee campaigns and companies.  

If our campaign window is not a good time you can give, remember United Way accepts donations year-round. United Way is determined to make a positive difference in the Merrill area.  To donate send checks to Merrill Area United Way, at P. O. Box 813, Merrill 54452. Our website is where Stripe donations can now be made.  For further information email us at ; or call our part-time office at 715-536-2016.